Demonstration Videos

General Overview 

This is a general overview of the ManageBee application as it is January 2024.

New user Signup 

New user signup process on the Web and Mobile. I also not a few needed future improvements.

Creating a new workspace


This shows the process of creating a new workspace. As of January 2024 this is essentially just creating an appointment. we will work quickly to remove that limitation and make workspaces more useful and customizable to any workflow.


Setting up Services–9U9GZtagN5hgMmBihdliZAu/view 

This shows the process for setting up new services.

Various Settings Options - Profiles and Scheduler 

In this video, I show various settings including user information and options, scheduler, and profiles.

Various Settings Options - Your company and account settings 

Here I walk through all of the current settings options in the your company and account settings section of the settings page.

Communication Automation Settings 

Here I discuss the various options of the email and text automation (Chores). I also discuss the cumbersome nature of its current setup and ideas for future improvements. We need some brainstorming sessions on this one.

Sync Issues 

Here I show some of the sync issues with the auto-sync functions of the mobile app report writer. The auto-sync function expands to other areas of the app and should evenually work for the entire app. Every new funtion should work with auto-sync. Firstly we need to mack sure the report-write is functioning 100% with auto-sync. 

Temlate Import
The Online Booking Tool

The Online Booking Tool

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